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How Single sign-on works?
SSO – Pure ID: Single sign-on is a process that allows a user to register or sign in on one website and not have to log in again on another site. The user enters the username and password on the first website the user wants to log in to. The website then sends a request to the server that handles authentication. If the information entered by the user is valid, then an access token is generated by your server and sent back via an API call
Single sign-on is a process that allows a user to register or sign in on one website and not have to log in again on another site.
SSO – Pure ID Is a process that allows a user to register or sign in on one website and not have to log in again on another site. The user enters the username and password for the first website they want to log into, then clicks their way through the various pages until they reach their destination.
Single sign-on can be used by companies that want customers who have already registered with them at one location (like your bank) to use their credentials when accessing other sites within their network of organizations (like Amazon).
The user enters the username and password on the first website the user wants to log in to.
If you’re logging into a website, the server will check to see if you’re already logged in. If so, it’ll send your username and password to the server handling authentication (the same one that handles authentication for all other services on that site) so they can allow or deny access based on whether or not they recognize those credentials. The user’s identity is verified using their access token.
The website then sends a request to the server that handles authentication.
The server then receives the request, and checks to make sure that your credentials are valid. If they’re not, then it will reject them by sending an error message back to the browser. This is where things get interesting: when a user enters their username and password into a website’s login form (like Facebook or Gmail), they’re actually authenticating with an external service called Single Sign-On (SSO).
The SSO service looks at what kind of access token was generated by this process—it’s either an auth cookie or refresh token—and uses it as part of its own sign-in process.
If the information entered by the user is valid, the server generates an access token.
The access token is a digital token that contains the information needed to authenticate a user. This includes the user’s name, email address and password. The server generates an access token based on this information when you enter it into your browser or mobile device during sign-in.
When you use Single Sign-On (SSO) in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, we store the encrypted version of your user profile with us so that when we make requests to our partners’ sites like Facebook or Google Apps for Work (GAFW), they can see who it belongs to and grant permissions accordingly.
The website receives the access token and it uses it to let the user access other parts of the website (or other websites) without having to re enter their credentials.
The access token is a string of characters that identifies the user. It’s used to identify the user and their permissions on other parts of the website (or other websites).
SSO – Pure ID: Access tokens are usually stored in cookies, but they can also be passed as parameters, such as with AJAX calls or via URL query strings. When you log into your account at work, your employer will probably send you an email containing an access token so that they can access all your documents and files from anywhere on any device where you have Internet connectivity.
Single sign-on lets you access multiple websites with a single set of credentials
Single sign-on is a process that allows a user to register or sign in on one website and not have to log in again on another site.
The user enters the username and password on the first website, then selects which other sites they want to access.
Single sign-on is a useful way to simplify the process of logging into multiple websites. It also encourages users to use the same login information on each website they visit, which can help protect against identity theft and other types of cybercrime.