How to protect data against malware 2023 Updates

cyber security

How to protect data against malware 2023 Updates

How to protect data against malware

Do you know? Every year 60% of malware happens by encrypted traffic and sending emails. If you want to know how to protect against malware then carefully read this article. We are going to share with you interesting ways and methods that help you to protect your data against malware attacks. But before this, you should know what Malware is.

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What are Malware attacks?

In simple words, malware is any program or file that is typically used to destroy and ruin your computer data and computer system. It affects your computer and server with the use of multiple ways like sending emails, etc. It has many types of malware attacks the most famous malware attack is the Crypto Locker Ransomware attack. Every company is afraid of this word because once it affects your system then it is very hard to recover it. Ransomware steals your whole data and demands a big amount of money. Now, we are going to discuss how to protect data against malware.  

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Some ways to protect data against Malware 

Here we share with you some amazing ways that help you to protect your data against malware attacks:

1. Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software

Installing any anti-virus software helps your computer to detect and find the virus. Once you detect a virus then you easily remove it from your system. But be sure that the software you use for detecting malware is updated and new. Green Edge Computers recommended you use datto highly trusted anti-virus software. For more information about Datto, you can read our other blogs or contact us

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2. Use secure authentication methods

This is the second way and second answer of your question how to protect against malware attacks. The other way to protect your data from malware is to use secure authentication methods. Here are the following best methods that help keep accounts safe:

  • You can Enable multi-factor authentication, such as a password, PIN, and security questions.
  • Strong passwords are also the best authentication method to protect your system.
  • The other important authentication method is not saving passwords on a network or computer. 
  • You can also use biometric tools like facial recognition, voiceprints, fingerprints, and iris scans.
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3. Use administrator accounts only when necessary

Another interesting piece of information is administrative accounts are very hard to block by Cyber attackers.

  • Try to avoid using a non-administrative account 
  • Only use the administrator account when you perform administrative tasks, like making configuration changes.

4. Keep software updated.

We share with you very trustable and best software against malware. Datto is one of the best and most updated software. Most of the software is not completely safe against malware that’s why we suggest you use Datto. Because it provides you with the best security and privacy against malware attacks. 

5. Monitor for suspicious activity.

Remember last and most importantly think don’t forget to monitor your users’ systems for suspicious activity. This includes:

  • Investigating unusual actions promptly
  • Baselining normal user activity and proactively looking for aberrations
  • Logging all incoming and outgoing traffic
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Now, we hope you understand how to protect against malware with the help of this article. For more amazing information like this contact us at Green Edge Computers.

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